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1 review for Cerecell Spectrum AC2 Enhanced Nutritional Supplementation Capsules

  1. Amy (verified owner)

    I have used the supplement for a few months and notice a difference in my anxiety and overall just feel better.

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Total Reviews: 2
  • Vitamin/Mineral Micronutrient Supplement for Children and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)**... View

    July 30, 2024
    I have used the supplement for a few months and notice a difference in my anxiety and overall just feel better.
    - Amy
  • Vitamin/Mineral Micronutrient Supplement for Children and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)**... View

    June 17, 2024
    We started using this supplement for our son and it is noticeable when he is not on supplementation. In our 6 year old sons case we saw improvements in verbal communication, concentration, stimming. Great product all around.
    - Heather Hutchurson

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