Cerecell benefits of vitamin and mineral supplementation

Research: Benefits of vitamin and mineral supplementation for children and adults with autism

Based on 20 years of research

Vitamin and mineral supplementation is essential for human health, and even more necessary for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

ASD Issues:

  • Many children and adults with ASD have poor diets with low amounts of vegetables, fruit, and/or protein §
  • Most children and adults with ASD also have metabolic issues including mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, low glutathione, and abnormal neurotransmitters § § § §


Significant improvements in sleep and gastrointestinal problems

Pilot study of a moderate dose multivitamin/mineral supplement for children with autistic spectrum disorder

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 3-month study of twenty (20) children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ages 3-8 years.

Results: A Global Impressions parental questionnaire found that the supplement group reported statistically significant improvements in sleep and gastrointestinal problems.

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cerecell benefits sleep and gastrointestinal problems

Parental Global Impressions – Average

Parental Global Impressions


Improved nutritional status, metabolic problems, and overall ASD symptoms

Effect of a vitamin/mineral supplement on children and adults with autism

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 3-month study of 141 children and adults with autistic spectrum disorder.

Results: Supplement significantly improved nutritional status, metabolic problems, and overall ASD symptoms. Treatment group did better than placebo on all scores, with significantly better improvements on Average Score, Receptive Language, Hyperactivity, Tantrumming, and Overall.

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18 month gain in developmental age

Comprehensive Nutritional and Dietary Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder—A Randomized, Controlled 12-Month Trial

Vitamin/mineral supplement combined with 5 other nutritional/dietary interventions in 12 month randomized controlled trial of 67 children and adults with ASD.

Combined treatment resulted in many benefits, including:

  • 7 point gain in IQ vs. O for control group
  • 18 month gain in developmental age vs 4 months for control group

Vitamin/mineral supplement rated along with fish oil as top 2 of 6 nutritional treatments

  • 11% much better, 33% better, 44% slightly better, 11% no change
  • 85% of participants wanted to continue vitamin/mineral supplement at end of study

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Behavioral Changes – % Improvement

Behavioral Changes - Improvement

Developmental Gains in Years

Developmental Gains in Years

cerecell long term 
 routine benefits


73% chance of moderate, good, or great benefit

Vitamin/mineral/micronutrient supplement for autism spectrum disorders: a research survey

Research survey of 161 children and adults with ASD who had used the supplement treatment for 3 or more months (average 12 months).

Statistically significant improvements in:

  • Overall autism symptoms
  • Language
  • Cognition
  • Play
  • Eye contact
  • Sleep
  • Tantrums/meltdowns
  • Hyperativity

73% reported moderate to great improvement, 19% reported a slight benefit, and only 8% reported no benefit.


20 Years in the Making

Based on these previous studies, we modified the vitamin/mineral formulation and developed Cerecell Spectrum AC Enhanced Nutritional Supplementation.

Special features include:

  • Comprehensive vitamin/mineral supplement, at optimal levels based on pre/post testing in our clinical trials
  • Highly absorbable forms of vitamins and minerals
  • Mitochondrial support – including CoQ10, carnitine, and other nutrients
  • Oxidative stress support – including NADH to recycle glutathione, the primary anti-oxidant
  • Methylation support – MTHF and vitamin B12
  • Sulfate – provides sulfate, the 4th most common mineral in the body, and which is 65% lower in children with ASD.
  • Lithium – provides a small dose to restore normal levels of lithium, which is 52% lower in children with ASD
cerecell ac2

Elevate your child's potential with Spectrum AC!

Extraordinary support for unique minds.

** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

Cerecell is to be used only as an adjunctive supplement. It is not to be used as a replacement or alternative to FDA-approved treatments for ASD, CPAE, PANDAS, or PANS. Please consult with your pediatrician or primary care provider to determine whether this supplement is a good fit for your child.

Note: The information presented on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information found on any product label or packaging. You should always consult with a qualified health care professional before starting any exercise, diet or supplement regimen.

Cerecell recommends that FDA-approved treatments for autism, including Occupational Therapy, Feeding Therapy, Speech Therapy, ABA, Music Therapy, and any other FDA-approved modalities implemented by the patient’s provider, should be used as the first line of treatment.

For CPAE, PANDAS, and PANS, Cerecell endorses all standard FDA therapies as directed by the University of Arizona CPAE clinic, under the Steele Center, considering them the Gold Standard for treating children with these conditions.

Dr. Spiekerman, of Arcadia Pediatric Consulting, is an owner of Cerecell, a division of Arcadia Therapeutics Corp., and stands to gain financially from its sale.

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